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Exercise doesn’t have to take a huge chunk of your time every day. 30 minutes is enough. 

We all know that exercise is important in our lives. Along with eating a healthy diet. You might be having a busy schedule. However, sometimes we don’t even realize that we have time for everything.

Success is a result of long-term planning and daily action. In order for you to maintain a certain lifestyle you have to be organized with your weekly schedule. Now let’s dive in more into the steps we need to do, how to manage your time well and last but not least how to stay organized. 

If you are wondering how to introduce exercise to your weekly schedule, this article will give you some ideas on how to do exactly that. Keep reading to learn more.

Step 1: Have the Right Mindset

You know that quote which says “You can not solve a problem with the same mindset you used when you created the problem”. This is exactly what we need to change. Having the right mindset will always push you to be bigger and better, same with every aspect of your life. 

Many people think that a healthy lifestyle is boring, that working out is tiring. Others just keep worrying about their fitness level and so they don’t start exercising because they lack willpower. Others think they are too busy to exercise, and that exercise is a waste of time.

Negative thoughts will only kill your willpower. Thinking positively will help you find adequate time for exercise and make healthier lifestyle choices. Incorporating exercise into your daily life is all for your own good. You stand to benefit. If something will improve your life significantly, why wouldn’t you find time for it?

Step 2: Start Small

One of the best ways to introduce exercise to your busy weekly schedule is by starting small. Be easy on yourself and don’t take it too seriously, just have fun with the process and start with simple exercise until you fully adapt. 

Fitness is all about consistency and patience. Doing simple exercises when you are just starting will allow your body and mind to adjust to making exercise part of your weekly schedule or daily schedule as well. 

Start by looking at your work schedule and determine the amount of time you can devote to exercise every week. Do not feel discouraged if you cannot get plenty of time from your schedule. Just allocate as much as you can find. It will go a long way.

Once you have determined the amount of time you can allocate to exercise, it’s time to establish your exercise goal. In this case, for instance, your goal can be exercising for 30 minutes a week for the first week, and then progress to 30 minutes twice a week and then 30 minutes three times a week. That way your body and mind will adjust fully to this schedule and an active lifestyle will become one of your top priorities in life.

Step 3: Adjust Your Wakeup Time

Some people have very demanding jobs, such that they cannot find time to exercise during the day. However, that doesn’t mean that you should not exercise. You can do something about that, and one way to do that is to wake up earlier.

Now before you get mad and say this is not for me and leave the blog, I know waking up early could not be for everyone and this is coming from a non-morning person myself. However, you can wake up one hour before your normal time and take a morning run or get to a nearby gym for some workout, and for lazy people I will recommend some simple exercises from your home it will also do the job. 

To ensure that you have enough time for exercise and preparation to get ready for a workout, ensure you have laid out your workout clothes the night before and what you will wear to work. This will ensure there’s no time wasted.

Step 4: Make It a Habit 

It’s always said that it takes 21 days to form a habit. You want to make your exercise schedule a habit or a part of your daily life. This is one of the best habits you will ever have. 

To make it a habit. I would advise you to create an exercise schedule and pin it on the wall in your bedroom in a strategic place in which it will be the very first thing you see when you wake up.

Something becomes a habit if you enjoy it. So, you need to perform exercises that you enjoy to make them your habit. Also, something can become your habit if it’s benefiting you. Exercising will surely bring long-term results.

Step 5: Get a Gym Membership

Getting a gym membership in a gym near you is a good decision as you will stay committed to your workouts. Remember, membership costs you money, so you don’t want to pay for membership and simply do nothing. 

Joining a gym near you can make it easier to incorporate exercise into your daily life. Working out in a gym is better as you will have access to plenty of equipment and professional fitness trainers who will guide you in performing the right forms of exercise.

If you have a gym at your building, then you are one of the lucky people and you have no excuse. 

Step 6: Always Take the Stairs

How many times do you take the stairs?  Now I know that could be undoable if you are staying in a 90-story building, however you don’t have to go all the way up, just try to get up a couple of stories until you can’t anymore. 

Taking the stairs is a simple form of cardio training as it increases your heart rate which is good for the health of your heart. Also, by taking the stairs you will be improving the health of your bones, joints, and legs.

It  is one of the easiest forms of exercise and you do not have to create time for that. You can easily include it to your daily schedule by just taking the stairs when you get to work, go for lunch and when you leave work. Isn’t that easy? 

Step 7: Track Your Exercises

Tracking your exercises is important as you will be able to measure your progress and determine your activity level. When you realize that your activity level is improving you will be motivated to keep sticking to your exercise plan. It feels good when you realize you can do something you couldn’t do a few days ago.

Note down all the accomplished workout sessions at the end of the day, week, month and even year. This way you will gain more insights about your progress.

And Last but not Least…

Step 8: Have a Support System

In the fitness journey having a support system is really helpful. A support system keeps you accountable and committed to your workout schedule. A support system can be your friend, colleague or family member, whom you work out with. 

If you’re having any challenges in your active lifestyle, your support system is there to encourage you to keep going. You can join a fitness class together with your friend and always have them accompany you to the gym. You will in actual sense be supporting each other.

Hopefully, you will find the above tips helpful to guide you and make the process way easier and more fun. When starting, be easy on yourself and start with simple exercises. You need to have the right mindset about an active lifestyle. Waking up earlier than your usual time to exercise can be helpful, especially if you have a demanding job during the day. You also need to build a support system, make your exercise schedule a habit and track your activity level to stay motivated.