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It’s already the 11th of February! The time passed really quickly, and many of us didn’t get the time to do our Valentine’s shopping!

If you were one of the pack no worries we are here to help you, so here is the plan, you need a gift that looks considerate and like you spent time thinking about it and put the effort needed, but since not much time left look at these ideas for your loved one:

1- DIY Project

You still have the weekend before the 14th is here, a simple messy DIY project may mean a lot for your lover, as it will feel like you spent time to make the gift even if it wasn’t perfect or fancy.

2- Flowers

You can specialize flowers with your loved one favorite kind, this will show how much you know them, here is another hint, if you don’t/ can’t get their favorite flowers, get them flowers with their favorite color. 

3- Chocolate

The sweets of love! Nothing makes people happier more than chocolates, if your lover had a different taste you can specialize the gift to their taste, but they will definitely have a favorite sweet, you just need to fancy it up, if the sweet wasn’t that fancy by itself you can dress it up with the magnificent packaging, and it will look like the fanciest, most considerate gift ever!

4- A Nice Date to a Special Location

If you didn’t put the effort into the gift and the previous ideas don’t match your and your lover taste you can always put the effort into the date, take them to a location that means something for both of you, or somewhere they really wanted to go to before, you can make the date even more special by planning it, maybe with decoration, or the meals, desserts to be something they like and care about.

The idea here is to make your significant other feel loved and that you have spent the time they deserve to make them happy and included on this day, many people don’t really care for expensive, big gifts, what really matters on this day is to be with them and show them that you know and love them for who they are and that you remember and care about their little details. And of course, do not forget to add a card with your own words and your gift is ready to go!

We hope we offered you a helpful solution, and from us, we wish you a happy ST. Valentine’s day, go and spread love everywhere!

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