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Bean bag chair store‘ was one of the first things that I searched online when starting my own company.

I had just quit my corporate job and started a pottery shop where we sold products made by people of determination. To me, a business was much more than a money making process and a commitment to society. That’s how my pottery shop was born.

‘Why are you searching for bean bags?’ my mom asked, ‘you should be searching for logo designers for your company.’

‘Mom, do you know how many hours an entrepreneur spends in the chair, working on a laptop? It’s close to 7 hours a day and I want a comfortable bean bag instead of a stuffy chair. I want to feel young, free and as if I am on a holiday’ I said.

‘Yes, a bean bag is comfortable for watching movies and for playing chess but I don’t know if it can be used for working’ my mother said doubtfully.


‘Should I go for a grey one or a red one?’ I asked.

‘Knowing your character, I suggest you buy the red one. You are passionate and bubbly, so red will suit you best’ mom advised.

I went ahead and bought the red one.

It was a great decision because the bean bag was not just a sitting place, it made me feel comfy.

Even when I was going through mind numbing excel files and boring stats, the bean bag kept me company.

I would jump up from the bean bag chair and rush to the coffee machine to get my daily dose of caffeine before rushing back to another zoom meeting.

I don’t know whether it was the bean bag or the enthusiasm towards my business that helped me to grow quickly and build a successful venture but at the end of the day, the bean bag became a very important part of my success story.