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Today, more than ever, there is a noticeable focus and awareness on health and fitness. The coronavirus pandemic has spot lights on the need for daily exercise. As a result, people started asking themselves: Does weight loss weaken the immune system?And they started looking for more ways to go through a journey to a good and healthy body. Starting with how to maintain your proper fitness? from healthy eating in order to maintain a healthy weight and to support a strong immune system, both of are effective in fighting infection and covid symptoms.

Most of us are well aware of the many health benefits of exercising, but finding the motive to get out of your comfort zone and start training is a hard part. What is harder is What keeps you motivated to exercise and how to also stick with it and not to drop out after a week

To be able to find your motivation to start you first have to ask yourself What is your fitness goal? And you will have to cut the excuses. Whether your goal was to lose weight, Tone your body, Build muscles or just be naturally healthy. You have to keep this goal in your mind whenever you think of backing off. Don’t give yourself the chance to surrender for none worthy excuses: I’m super busy, I don’t have time, I don’t like to be controlled, get all of those ideas out of your head and always remember that every effort you make today will save your life tomorrow.

Also you have to keep this in your mind: Good things need time, So don’t work out for a week then get disappointed for not seeing good results. Your body is like a machine the way you program it, it will act. So you have to train your body to start acting and never give up. You will need a break from time to time. That’s totally fine after all we are all humans. We get tired, bored and sick so it’s totally fine to have some ups and downs. 

Okay? What is next? You found the courage and the right motive to move and let go of the monster inside you but you can’t handle the high exaggerated costs of gym subscriptions or you are doing your best to save extra time cause you have an almost full day? No worries the solution is at 

With Storeus exclusive deals and Hot offers on the widest collection of products and the biggest variety of categories you will be able to build your own gym at home. This way you won’t only save cost you will also save time and will be more comfortable to work out and to avoid the embarrassment of being new to the gym.

From working out equipment and for every part that you need to train from back, shoulders, abs, glutes, arms to legs and to everything that you will need to workout you will find it here.

What should I do in the gym? Here is a great plan for you that will guarantee you the perfect toned body in a short time. Start with doing cardio for 20-30 minutes you can use Marshal Fitness Auto Incline Treadmill which is the type of cardio the most people prefer it as you can set the speed and incline depending on your need and goals as it’s also the easy safe option for people who can’t handle fast run or usually suffer from injuries and joint pain. In case you prefer to focus on your whole body and move every part in it try Air Walker Cardio Elliptical Machine-Marshal Fitness. People seem to burn more calories and get better results using this type of cardio. Also you can use Marshal Fitness Elliptical And Upright Exercise Bike 2 In 1 Cardio Dual if you feel like you can’t stand up for a long time today.

Now let’s move to the most loved part for both genders: yes you guessed it right! Weight lifting is a great way to lose weight and build muscle at the same time but remember that you have to mix it up with cardio and not to lift more than you can actually carry as you need to stay safe and healthy all the time which is the main goal that encouraged you to start in the first place. As a beginning start with light weight then start increasing the weight gradually. 

Female athlete with dumbbells at the gym

Some people prefer to use dumbbells over machines & some people like to mix in order to get the best results. Marshal Fitness High-Quality Smart 52.5Lb Adjustable Dumbbell is a great option for you. If you prefer machines and to work out all your body parts in one device then Marshal Fitness, Home Gym 7000 B is a great choice. Plus don’t forget to do hiit (high intensity internal training) at least 2 times a week, Maxstrength Cardio Adjustable Height 5-Levels Home Exercise Training Aerobic Stepper is a great tool when it comes to hiit and jumping as hiit is an efficient way to increase your strength and stamina.

Should you go gym everyday? In fact you don’t have to over exhaust yourself as 3-4 days would be enough. Now since you are familiar with the working out process remember to eat healthy. What fitness supplements should I take? Make sure to take the health supplements that your body needs such as: Omega-3 Fish Oil and Multivitamins and you can always use a smartwatch to track your health such as your pulse and track your work out process as well, See it’s a win-win deal for you.

This might sound a lot to you but don’t worry about it all you have to do is download Storeus App from Appstore or Google play and start adding the items to your cart and Storeus team will do the rest for you and deliver it all to your doorstep. See easy and without any effort. Any excuses left to give to yourself? 

Tell us about your fitness regime in comments below.