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As you know, July is a big month for Storeus. We turned 1 year on July 6th. Started from zero, now we are an online marketplace with 200+ different sellers and 80,000+ products LIVE. We are investing hundreds of thousands in our brand and advertising, on a monthly basis.

For the past year we have been dedicated to improvement. Sellers, products variety, brand, advertising, technology, team. We are having a 360-degree approach, gradually improving all aspects of our business. 

Today, we are happy to announce another achievement, which is a double win: First, because it will help us to reach new shopping lovers. Second, because it will give the opportunity to all our customers (and not only them) to create a nice online income on the side.

Enter: “Storeus Partners Program”

Storeus Partners Program works in a very simple yet effective way. 

You don’t need a website or products to sell.

You don’t need to invest in advertising. Though, you can do it if you want.

You don’t need to spend 24/7 working on the business.

You have to do only three things:

First: Join the program (up to 2 min).

Second: Grab your unique link (less than 20 seconds).

Third: Start sharing it with your friends and colleagues.

If somebody purchases a product from Storeus after clicking on your unique link, our system tracks that and a commission will be assigned to you. That’s it.

Of course, T&Cs apply, but they are created to help you make more money, not to stop you.

Also, over the next weeks and months, we are going to support you with tips and tricks on how to share and promote your unique links, so you can make even more money online.

But first, let’s start with the basics…

How to join?

This is the easiest part. 

1/ Go to

2/ Fill your name, email address, choose your password and enter your phone number.

3/ Read and check the Terms & Conditions.

4/ Press the “Signup” button.

See how the page looks like:

Where is your link?

First, log in into your account here:

You will see your personal Affiliate Panel. It looks like this:

Your link is on the top of each page – easy to see, easy to copy:

Now, it is your turn. Copy the link and start sharing it with your friends and colleagues. Your career as affiliate marketing entrepreneur just started.